Michael Harris D.O. FSCCO
Osteopath und Dozent
DOOC-Beirat und Dozent

Michael graduated from the European School of Osteopathy in 1991. At the time, the school offered a broad and open-minded approach to Osteopathic practice. He was lucky enough to be taught by many excellent teachers including Susan Turner and Robert Lever. As a postgraduate, he completed the Sutherland Cranial College Pathway and has been a lecturer for the College for about 20 years. He has taught in many countries including Sweden, Spain, Russia and Germany. Michael studied with Dr Jim Jealous and acknowledges the influence of his Biodynamic approach to Osteopathy. He has also been influenced by the neuro-anatomy teaching of Professor Frank Willard. With his partner, Anne Greenacre who is a practicing psychotherapist, he wrote and designed a course specifically for osteopaths on working with trauma. He lives in rural Devon and has a deep love of the countryside and coast where he lives.

Hier findest du weitere Informationen zu mir:
Michael im Interview
(geführt von Dennis Ehrlich) 
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